Established in 2003, West Ridge Bungalow Neighbors is a voluntary group of neighbors in Chicago who desire to assist each other in preserving and appreciating the homes in our neighborhood; educating each other and the broader public in the value and the story of our neighborhood; and providing resources to each other to improve the quality of our homes, enrich our lives and assure our neighborhood's future.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Chicago Victory Gardens lecture on June 16th

Victory Garden at Peterson and Campbell, circa 1940s

The Rogers Park/West Ridge Historical Society invites you to join us on the for a lecture titled "Chicago Victory Gardens:Yesterday and Tomorrow".

Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 7:00pm, Devon Bank, lower level meeting room, 6444 N. Western.

Listen as avid gardener and blogger LaManda Joy unearths the fascinating stories behind Chicago's World War II Victory Garden effort. LaManda will reveal how Chicago mobilized to deal with food rationing and
severely decreased resources while building morale and community pride to become the Victory Garden role model for the entire nation.

Outlining parallels between the Victory Gardeners of the 1940s and the booming garden movement of today, LaManda will also discuss her latest endeavor, The Peterson Garden Project,

Admission to Lecture

$5.00 per adult, $1.00 per child under 12

RP/WRHS members: free

All proceeds benefit RP/WRHS and The Peterson Garden Project.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Wild life in West Ridge

Last Sunday at 7:20 a.m., running with my dog, Dickens, south on McCormick, we got to Devon, and we noticed four deer on the south-east corner. Standing. Waiting for the light to change, maybe. Then three more deer came up from the canal, then two more, and another. In all, 11 deer congregated at Devon and McCormick. The light changed to green, and they all moved north, as gracefully as a breeze.

This past week, Michele and Dickens walked around Indian Boundary, and spotted a bunch of baby ducks. The whole pack of them wouldn't make an appetizer. Cute yellow fluffy things.

The goslings can't be far behind.

A great beautiful weekend shaping up in West Ridge. I hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy it!
