Established in 2003, West Ridge Bungalow Neighbors is a voluntary group of neighbors in Chicago who desire to assist each other in preserving and appreciating the homes in our neighborhood; educating each other and the broader public in the value and the story of our neighborhood; and providing resources to each other to improve the quality of our homes, enrich our lives and assure our neighborhood's future.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Get the skinny on the new Green house

Curious about the new, skinny house on Warren Park? Read all about it at the Park House Construction blog. Welcome, Green neighbor!
(Rendering from the Sandberg Architecture website.)

Going to Graceland

Last Saturday WRBN members toured Graceland Cemetery. Led by Donna S. , we got the inside scoop on the former Chicago movers and shakers who are buried here. Familiar names included Louis Sullivan, Richard Nickel, Mies, Marion Mahoney Griffin and Marshall Field.

Pictured are some Sullivan-esque iron mausoleum doors near the entrance to the cemetery and the unusual marker for architect Bruce Goff.

Oh - and if you're interested, there's still space available. I'm considering it...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


This post is dedicated to the memory of Alex, the best cat ever.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

BBQ with Boo

WRBNeighbor and chef Patrick Williams is featured in a recent issue of Edible Chicago. You can read all about him and his Grampa Boo (in photo) who inspired Patrick's delicious BBQ sauce. Patrick, we salute you and your grandfather on the eve of the barbecuing-est holiday of the year!