Established in 2003, West Ridge Bungalow Neighbors is a voluntary group of neighbors in Chicago who desire to assist each other in preserving and appreciating the homes in our neighborhood; educating each other and the broader public in the value and the story of our neighborhood; and providing resources to each other to improve the quality of our homes, enrich our lives and assure our neighborhood's future.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Now then, where were we?

Whew! It's been quite a fall and I'm afraid the blog has suffered a bit from the flurry of election activities in West Ridge and beyond. Neighbors were out in force canvassing in neighboring states, distributing flyers, calling and working on election day. And -- did you know our 44th President has a Chicago bungalow connection? Yes, Michelle Robinson Obama grew up in a brick bungalow on the south side.
So, as we regroup and focus on WRBN again, please join us tomorrow night as we plan our 2009 meetings and events - your input is welcomed and appreciated!
(Chicago Tribune photo of banners downtown.)