Established in 2003, West Ridge Bungalow Neighbors is a voluntary group of neighbors in Chicago who desire to assist each other in preserving and appreciating the homes in our neighborhood; educating each other and the broader public in the value and the story of our neighborhood; and providing resources to each other to improve the quality of our homes, enrich our lives and assure our neighborhood's future.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Feburary 14th WRBN Meeting

Greetings Bungalow Neighbors!
Our first meeting of the year is coming up, so mark your calendars for

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 7:00PM at the Northtown Library, 6435 N. California.

Romancing the Fireplace

What could be more romantic than snuggling with your sweetie by a bungalow fireplace?

Fake, real, or on your wish list, the fireplace is a hot topic with bungalow owners.
Join us on Valentine's Day as Paul from Evanston’s Northshore Fireplace answers our questions about converting decorative to functional, ventless vs. vented, woodburning vs. gas, and the care and feeding of our fireboxes, surrounds, chimneys, and mantels.
Sweet treats will be served!

Jo & Maribeth

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