Established in 2003, West Ridge Bungalow Neighbors is a voluntary group of neighbors in Chicago who desire to assist each other in preserving and appreciating the homes in our neighborhood; educating each other and the broader public in the value and the story of our neighborhood; and providing resources to each other to improve the quality of our homes, enrich our lives and assure our neighborhood's future.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Upcoming WRBN meetings and events

Who are these guys? On Tuesday, November 13, Maribeth will present a slide show on the architectural history of Devon Avenue. Learn who the movers and shakers were during the early development of Devon, and how this important commercial district grew and changed over the years. Join us at 7:00 p.m. at the Northtown Public Library.

There will not be a December meeting, but mark your calendar now for our Saturday, January 12th members-only holiday party! Your $15.00 (per family) 2008 dues payment is your ticket to the food and festivities.

Window restoration

The time comes in the life of every old home owner when they must make the decision - replace, restore or weatherstrip the living daylights out of their old windows. Click here to read how our neighbors Jo Stavig & Steve Knoebber dealt with their bungalow windows and for resources for your own restoration.

Oh, and by the way - "replace" is not an option from either an environmental or preservation point of view. Click here to read the HCBA brief on window care. Also, here's a cool product called The Silent Paint Remover that might make your restoration work a little less painful.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Field Trip this Saturday!

It's not too late to sign up for our field trip! On Saturday morning we’ll head out to Elk Grove Village for a members-only field trip to the Island Girl Salvage showroom Contact Jo or Maribeth for more details.

Home maintenance tips from Clark Devon

Clark Devon Hardware offers free classes in home maintenance topics that you might be interested in. See their class schedule for more details.

Monday, October 15, 2007

A glimpse into the past

At the corner of Talman and Albion is a lovely, large bungalow built for the Malones by the Rance family of developers in the 1920s. Today it sits abandoned and covered by overgrown shrubs, with many of the original features remarkably intact.

If anyone knows who owns this place, please show them this photo. Perhaps they'll be inspired.