We saw the underground mechanical rooms of Buckingham Fountain (you pay $50 every Friday night as a fundraiser to see it), then went to Jackson Park and saw the "only bridge designed by Burnham" now called the "Clarence Darrow Bridge", went to the Osaka Island Garden with the Tea House and waterfalls. Then drove along and imagined why the "gondola canal" was not built where the Midway Plaisance is now.
In Washington Park, we saw the details to the Fountain of Time, Loredo Taft has sculpted himself on the back, male figure with the "short tunic", then on to the DuSable Museum to see the inside of the building from the Fair....one of the few still standing designed by Burnham from the World's Fair. Drove on to Sherman Park and had lunch (amazing field house with murals by Art Inst. students), last and not least the Fuller Park field house another group of murals by the head of the Art Institute Dept. - also, has a "cloisters" garden room with crossing paths planted with small shrub roses and crab apple trees (in Spring has to be magnificent) a water fountain in the center, and at the end of the visual lines the bust of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Fuller!!
Many, many details to print here.....very impressive tour!!
Julia was great and of course we saw a couple of other tour participants we got to know from Lincoln Park Docents....well worth the $30 each, which included a wonderful box lunch from Harry Caray's of pesto chicken or grilled veggie, with chips, fruit salad, choc. chip cookie and water bottle!!
Carol can add more to this.....we loved it!!
This tour was so worthwhile, just long enough, and worth way more that the $30 fee. Highly recommend it. Julia Bachrach is very knowledgeable, very lively, and a delight to be with all day.